Some Stations using Heathkit Equipments.
We would like to have your callsign here!
AD5ST Wayne Hoskins -TX US
CT1BWW Marq - Portugal
F6HOY Jean Luc - France
G3ZPS Steve - UK
K8TM Dr.Dean Poeth - NY, US
N3DL Timothy Haniwalt - PA, US
OH6NT Finland
ON6UU Frank - Belgium
PA3FTP Louis -The Netherlands
SK7XN Club Station Sweden
SM7NDX Jan - Sweden
W5RKL Mike
W7UUU Dave - US
W8SA Jon Schmidt - CAL US
WB4IUY David Hockaday - NC US
Heathkit SB-101
The Heathkit SB-101 is one of the best all-around SSB ham radios made by Heathkit. Made in the late 1960s, It works from 80 to 10mts band
Heathkit HW-100
The HW-100 80,40,20,15 and 10 meter Ham Band Transceiver came on the market in 1968 and was produced until 1971
Heathkit HW-101
The HW-101 80,40,20,15 and 10 meter Ham Band Transceiver came on the market in 1970 and was produced until 1983
HeathKit SB-102
The Heathkit SB-102 SSB/CW-transceiver was produced between 1970 and 1975.It works very well on 80,40,20,15 and 10mts band
Bring your Heathkit on-the-air
Desfrute radio and bring your Heathkit equipment on-the-air.
Is time to give the chance to others working with your "vintage" station.
Keep the Legacy Heathkit Alive
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