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Where Heathkit

Is Our Passion

The H.O.T.A. Award program commemorate forever the importance of Heathkit on our hobby.

This Beautiful award  is  a 23 cms X 18 cms colorful PLAQUE issued for contacting 10, 20 and 30  different Stations using a Heathkit Transceiver or Transmitter and Receiver on the QSO. You must have in possession a QSL Card that shows the working conditions

  • Only Modes Modes: SSB,CW and RTTY  

  • Contacts may be made from any station location, during any span of time, and using any callsigns issued to you by a licensing authority. 

  • Valid also for SWL Stations . SWLs may apply on a heard basis.

  • You can send the application form based on the logs data, must be signed by two licensed radio amateurs or any official of the local radio club, 

  • if you want you can send QSL card  photocopies (but NOT necessary)

  • Submit a computer or other list listing the HEATH Stations you are claiming as follows: 

  • Call worked, Date, Band and Mode and Heathkit  conditions the station you worked (TIME and RST are Not Necessary) ex.HW-100, HW-101, SB-101, SB-102. SB-104, HW-401 etc

  • With your list of stations , submit a signed statement as follows:

  • I certify upon my honor that the contacts listed have been made in the manner represented,  and that I have obeyed the awards rules and all Amateur Radio rules as set forth by my licensing authority while making these contacts.

  • Signature- Date

Heathkit Radio Forever 

Heathkits are no longer manufactured or widely available. Heathkit manufacturing ceased in the mid-1980's when Heath closed down their kit business. However, unassembled kits are sometimes offered in Ebay auctions or in the classified section of electronics magazines such as QST.
                          From 1947 until 1992, Heathkit — which was the “brand name of kits and other electronic products produced and marketed by the Heath Company,” according to Wikipedia — was among the biggest, if not the biggest, game in town when it came to electronics kits.

Most ham radio enthusiasts and electrical engineers “of a certain age remember fondly their first Heathkit,”

                                      wrote EDN Network in May, 2013. “Everybody had at least one Heathkit.”

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Submit QSL Card

The QSL Card must indicate which Heathkit equipment was used during two-way QSO.


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